We typically eat to control our individual urges and cravings and need to consciously think about what each food and drink we put in our mouths does metabolically to our bodies. In the United States we typically live in the moment. We decide it is time to make changes in our diet when we receive a life altering diagnosis. In 2012, I began realizing that my nutrition was not what it should be. My high cholesterol made me decide I needed to improve my health and reduce the risk of developing a life-limiting disease. It doesn't matter if you are 20 or 84, what you put in your mouth can impact you in ways you would have never guessed.
Micronutrient Diseases Poor nutrition, and the processed foods consumed in the U.S. can cause a variety of diseases.
Heart Disease
Osteoporosis Obesity Type II Diabetes Cancers of the breast, kidney, esophagus, uterus, colon and rectum Beriberi is a deficiency in thiamin leading to heart failure and muscle paralysis
Iron deficiency anemia, due to reduced iron intake and can lead to heart and lung disease Pellagra is a deficiency in niacin and includes symptoms like diarrhea, dementia and dermatitis
Rickets is a vitamin D deficiency resulting in bones weakening, bending and breaking
Scurvy is from vitamin C deficiency Hypocalcemia from a deficiency in calcium can lead to memory loss, delirium, depression, hallucinations and even congestive heart failure
Whole 30 Simply changing the foods we eat in quantities necessary to nourish and not diminish is what it takes to improve our health and wellness. Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig (Urban) founded the Whole 30 and can be found at https://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/ Whole 30 elimination lasts 30 days or longer and follows up with a 15-30 day reintroduction. Essentially you are eliminating processed foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, grains, corn, dairy except ghee or clarified butter, alcohol, carrageenan, and sulfites. Replacing foods that fortify the body and include meat, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats. You might want to read ”It Starts with Food” you can read about it here https://whole30.com/itstartswithfood
The book is a fast read, and will explain a lot of the rationale behind why certain foods cause such a havoc on our bodies. You will begin to love nourishing foods due to the way they make you feel. My first round of Whole 30 was an eye opener. I went through a detoxification process which symptoms included body aches, headaches, and fatigue. I wanted to quit this horrible program. Yet, every meal I ate, I became more aware that my body had been starving for nourishment. I was ravenous while eating, and became satiated until my next meal. By day 28 I was feeling like I could take on the world. I had changed the way I looked at food and was well on my way to food freedom.
Reintroduction Reintroducing helps to determine what foods have a negative impact on your health. Essentially you are experimenting on yourself. Ingesting a food item that has a negative impact on your body, will result in symptoms fairly quickly. You might learn your favorite food or drink causes you stomach pain, nausea, bloating, or a sugar spike etc. You might be fine with a glass of milk for breakfast. For lunch you decide on a cup of yogurt, and within minutes you might find the yogurt gives you the type of gas you blame on your dog. This is where you might determine you can take it or leave it. That my friend, is food freedom. You can find more resources here https://whole30.com/reintroduction/
Food Freedom Food freedom is the ability to know what type of negative reaction you might have to a food that you consume. For instance, you choose to ingest it occasionally, on special days like your birthday, or you might choose never to consume it again. It is time to reset, when you find those negative foods are creeping back into your life again. You might find 30 days just isn’t long enough. Or you might find doing a round four times a year works for you. Whatever you choose, remember your health and wellness should be your priority. We only have this one body in our lifetime, so let’s take care of it the best we can. “Food Freedom Forever” written by Melissa Hartwig is a great book that explains what a psychological impact food has on our lives. You can read more here https://whole30.com/my-food-freedom/